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Forex trading is one of the most known ways to make money by trading in the companies shares, but you need to know how to trade and to be aware of risks. Many agents are working on this and help people to trade and even they give free money to traders to use them as capital in addition of the original capital traders use. Other trading way looks like Forex is the online Gold trading, where you buy a gold at a price, but you do not see this gold or have it in your stock, then when price goes up you can sell it and make a profit, or you may make a loss. It looks exactly as trading in shares because in both ways you do not have what you buy in your hand, but gold is recommended more because no huge loss can occur like shares, the gold somehow is keeping a constant price with small up and down, but this also makes it impossible to make huge profit also unless you are using a very huge capital. Others are trading in Oil, Iron etc. also it looks like gold trading.